Regarding the dissolution of OPEDAA-CCC and the establishment of the Commission of Arts and Culture in Africa (COMAC Afrique) and Office of Antiquities Control of Africa (BCA Afrique)


To the attention of:


All stakeholders in the art sector (collectors, art dealers, experts, museums, etc.) who have used the services of OPEDAA-CCC.  

The Ministry of Arts and Culture hereby informs all stakeholders in the art sector that, due to practices that have raised numerous questions regarding their legality, and following numerous complaints received by the Ministry of Arts and Culture, as well as by ICOM and UNESCO, a unanimous decision has been made to dissolve the Office for the Production, Registration of African Art Documents, and the Creation of Collector Cards (OPEDAA-CCC).  

OPEDAA-CCC had been set up on a temporary basis, pending the official creation of a permanent entity capable of carrying out the missions entrusted to it in a transparent and legal manner. This has now been achieved with the effective establishment of the African Arts and Culture Commission (COMAC Afrique), supported in its mission by the Bureau of Antiquities Control of Africa (BCA Afrique).  

The African Arts and Culture Commission (COMAC Afrique) is now the sole body authorized to ensure the production, registration, and issuance of documents related to African art collections. Documents issued or validated by COMAC Afrique and registered by BCA Afrique are international documents, guaranteeing their legal recognition and validity worldwide.  

It is important to emphasize that other entities such as the Ministry of Arts and Culture, UNESCO, ICOM, ONPC, and Object-ID are also authorized to issue certain types of specific documents related to art and cultural heritage. However, to be legally recognized at the international level, all these documents must be registered by BCA Afrique and validated by COMAC Afrique. This procedure guarantees the traceability, authenticity, and legality of documents related to African art collections.  

Consequently, the Ministry of Arts and Culture invites all stakeholders in the art sector who have used the services of OPEDAA-CCC to contact the African Arts and Culture Commission as soon as possible at the following address: 

in order to update the documentation of their collections. This step is essential for the legal compliance of your documents, the sustainability of your activities in the field of African art, and the international recognition of your collection.  

The Ministry of Arts and Culture thanks all stakeholders for their understanding, collaboration, and commitment to the preservation and promotion of African cultural heritage. 

Yaoundé, January 2nd, 2023